mischief n. (pl. mischiefs) 1.(物质上的)损害,灾害,灾祸,危害;(身体、机器等的)毛病,故障。 2.(精神上的)毒害,坏影响。 3.造成损害的人;祸根。 4.顽皮,淘气;〔口语〕顽皮孩子,淘气精;〔口语〕= devil. There is carelessness, but no mischief. 粗心大意是有的,恶意倒没有。 One mischief comes on the neck of another. 祸不单行。 a regular little mischief 十分淘气的孩子。 What the mischief (=the devil) do you want 你究竟要什么? cause mischief 引起灾祸。 do mischief 造成损害。 do sb. a mischief 〔口语〕使某人受到损害;打伤某人,使某人受伤;杀死某人。 go [get] into mischief 玩起鬼把戏来,淘气起来。 keep out of mischief 不胡闹。 make mischief between 使双方不和,离间。 mean mischief 怀恶意。 out of (pure) mischief 闹着玩儿。 play the mischief with 弄坏…的身体[健康],加害;弄坏(机器等),使发生毛病;把…弄得一塌糊涂(The wind has played the mischief with my papers. 风把我的文件吹得乱七八糟)。 The mischief (of it) is that... . 麻烦的是,伤脑筋的是…。 up to mischief 要胡闹[捣蛋],在玩鬼把戏(The children are up to mischief. 小孩子们想胡闹)。
He is a clever boy but apt to get into mischief 他是个聪明却很调皮的孩子。
He is a clever boy but apt to get into mischief 他是个聪明却很调皮的孩子
Now run along , and don ' t get into mischief . i am going out “出去吧,可别淘气。我要出门了。 ”
While my wife was cooking she kept half an eye on the baby to see that she didn ' t get into mischief 我太太一边煮饭一边时时瞟着小宝宝,怕她淘起气来。
A common theme of the medieval stories attribute jesus as a fearless and carefree child who innocently gets into mischief that inexorably led to his playmates ' demise 中世纪故事加于耶稣主题的共同特征是一个无畏和无忧无虑的孩子,纯洁地进入恶作剧里面,无情地引致他的玩伴死亡。
I know i shall always be first in my childrens confidence , and that nikolay , if , with his impulsive character , he does get into mischief boys will be boys it wont be like these petersburg young gentlemen . yes , theyre capital children , capital children , assented the count , who always solved all perplexing questions by deciding that everything was capital 伯爵夫人说,许多父母出过差错,我重蹈覆辙,他们都以为,子女并没有隐瞒他们的秘密, “我知道,我永远是我的几个女儿的第一个confidente ,尼古拉性情急躁,要是他淘气男孩子哪能不淘气,也不会像彼得堡这些绅士派头的人那样。 ”